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Servers can invoke a ClientRpc to execute on all clients.

Declaring a ClientRpc

You can declare a ClientRpc by marking a method with [ClientRpc] attribute and including the ClientRpc suffix in the method name.

void PongClientRpc(int somenumber, string sometext) { /* ... */ }

Invoking a ClientRpc

You can invoke a ClientRpc by making a direct function call with parameters:

void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P))
PongClientRpc(Time.frameCount, "hello, world"); // Server -> Client

You must mark client RPC methods with the [ClientRpc] attribute and use the ClientRpc method suffix; failing to do so results in an error message.

// Error: Invalid, missing 'ClientRpc' suffix in the method name
void Pong(int somenumber, string sometext) { /* ... */ }

// Error: Invalid, missing [ClientRpc] attribute on the method
void PongClientRpc(int somenumber, string sometext) { /* ... */ }

The [ClientRpc] attribute and matching ...ClientRpc suffix in the method name are there to ensure RPC call sites know when they're executing an RPC. The client RPC replicates and executes client-side, without jumping into the original RPC method declaration to find out if it's an RPC.

Pong(somenumber, sometext); // Is this an RPC call?

PongRpc(somenumber, sometext); // Is this a ServerRpc call or ClientRpc call?

PongClientRpc(somenumber, sometext); // This is clearly a ClientRpc call

To Send to One Client, use ClientRpcSendParameters

The following code provides an example of using ClientRpcSendParameters, which sends a ClientRpc to a specific client connections. The default Netcode for GameObjects's behavior is to broadcast to every single client.

private void DoSomethingServerSide(int clientId)
// If isn't the Server/Host then we should early return here!
if (!IsServer) return;

// NOTE! In case you know a list of ClientId's ahead of time, that does not need change,
// Then please consider caching this (as a member variable), to avoid Allocating Memory every time you run this function
ClientRpcParams clientRpcParams = new ClientRpcParams
Send = new ClientRpcSendParams
TargetClientIds = new ulong[]{clientId}

// Let's imagine that you need to compute a Random integer and want to send that to a client
const int maxValue = 4;
int randomInteger = Random.Range(0, maxValue);
DoSomethingClientRpc(randomInteger, clientRpcParams);

private void DoSomethingClientRpc(int randomInteger, ClientRpcParams clientRpcParams = default)
if (IsOwner) return;

// Run your client-side logic here!!
Debug.LogFormat("GameObject: {0} has received a randomInteger with value: {1}",, randomInteger);
Server can invoke a client RPC on a Network Object. The RPC will be placed in the local queue and then sent to a selection of clients (by default this selection is "all clients"). When received by a client, RPC will be executed on the client's version of the same Network Object.

Invoking a Client RPC from the Host

The host is both a client and a server. If a host invokes a client RPC, it triggers the on all clients, including the host.

Hosts can invoke client RPCs on `NetworkObjects`. The RPC will be placed in the local queue. After a short delay, the client RPC executes on the host and all other clients. When a client receives a client RPC it's executed on that client's version of the same `NetworkObject`.

See the Boss Room RPC xamples.

Also see