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Play Mode Scenarios requirements and limitations

To use the Play Mode Scenarios window, install the following packages:

A Play Mode Scenario that contains a local or remote instance requires a Build Profile that matches the platform your project exists on. To learn how to assign a Build Profile, refer to Create a Play Mode scenario. Use a Build Profile to configure the type of build this scenario uses. To learn what each property in a Build Profile controls, refer to the Build Profiles reference.

Remote instances use Unity Gaming Services (UGS) Multiplay Hosting. You can get started with a Unity Gaming service for free. To learn how billing works for each Unity Gaming service, refer to UGS pricing.


Playmode Scenarios is compatible with the following Unity features:


The Play Mode Scenario window has the following limitations:

  • The Pause and Step icons in the Game View window are not supported for local and remote targets.
  • You can only run a remote instance on the Linux platform.
  • You can only run a local instance on Mac, Linux, or Windows platforms.
  • Play Mode scenarios doesn’t support Play Mode shortcuts.
  • When you enable domain reloading, streaming logs for local instances might stop working.

Additional resources