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Play Mode scenario window reference

This table explains the behavior of each property in the Play Mode Scenarios window.

DescriptionEnter a description for this instance. This description exists as a tooltip for this Play Mode Scenario in the Play Mode scenario dropdown.
EditorThe instance that exists in the main Unity Editor.
Multiplayer RoleThe Multiplayer Role that this local instance uses. Unity uses this Multiplayer Role and ignores the Multiplayer Role you assign in the Project Settings window. This property appears when the Dedicated Server package exists in your project.
You can change the Multiplayer Role in the File > Build Profiles window.
Initial SceneThe scene that all instances display when you initialize them.
Additional Editor InstancesA virtual player that exists in the Unity Editor.
NameThe name for this additional Editor instance that appears in the Play Mode status window.
Multiplayer RoleThe Multiplayer Role that this instance uses. Unity uses this Multiplayer Role and ignores the Multiplayer Role you assign in the Project Settings window. This property appears when the Dedicated Server package exists in your project
TagOne or more reference words that you can use in a script to assign the main Editor Player to a certain behavior.
To control whether a player exists on the client or server, use the Multiplayer Role property.
Local InstancesInstances of this project that run on your local machine.
NameThe name of this instance that appears in the Play Mode status window.
Build ProfileThe Build Profile that this instance uses. When you build on a Windows device, select the Windows platform. When you build on a MacOS device, select the MacOS platform.
Multiplayer RoleThe Multiplayer Role that this local instance uses. Unity uses this Multiplayer Role and ignores the Multiplayer Role you assign in the Project Settings window. This property appears when the Dedicated Server package exists in your project
Advanced ConfigurationOptional properties that you can use to debug and control this local instance.
Stream Logs To Main EditorSelect the checkbox to display logs from this instance in the Unity Editor Console.
Logs ColorThe color this instance uses to display logs in the Unity Editor.
ArgumentsThe UGS launch parameters that modify this instance.
Remote InstancesInstances that exist in the Unity Cloud and use Unity Gaming Services (UGS) Multiplay Hosting.
NameThe name of this instance that appears in the Play Mode status window.
Multiplayer RoleThe Multiplayer Role that this remote instance uses. Unity uses this Multiplayer Role and ignores the Multiplayer Role you assign in the Project Settings window. This property appears when the Dedicated Server package exists in your project
Advanced Configuration
Fleet NameThe name of the server fleet to display in the Multiplayer Hosting environment.
Fleet RegionThe server region this instance runs from.
Instance Amount of CoresThe amount of CPU cores this remote instance requests from the server.
Instance MemoryThe amount of memory, in megabytes, that this instance requests from the server. To learn how much memory your project uses, use the memory profiler package.
Instance CPU ClockspeedThe amount of CPU time, in megahertz, that this instance requests from the server.
Stream Logs To Main EditorSelect the checkbox to display logs from this instance in the Unity Editor Console.
Logs ColorThe color of text that displays in the Unity Editor for logs that relate to this instance.
ArgumentsThe UGS launch parameters that modify this instance.

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